Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Testing web services early on

I have been into situations in a project where the web services was ready for consumption but the client not ready yet to consume them! We then used http requests to test the functionality, which is always a pain. I wished there was some tool that, provided with a url, took care of placing the http request, and showing the result. I found such a tool recently and it's really good at the job. It can be found here. So, get going with testing your web services early on!


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Technical Stuff

Command to iteratively copy files within a directory structure

for /D %f in (*.*) DO copy /Y %f\*.jar c:\MyLibs

PS: %f should be replaced with %%f, inside batch files.

E.g. In batch file , to do something for each directory within a given directory,
for /D %%f in (%base_dir%\*) DO

Good Hibernate associations tutorial