Monday, October 01, 2007

Mp3 in Rhythmbox on Ubuntu

Wondering how to enable mp3 support in Rhythmbox in Ubuntu. Just open synaptic and install "gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3". That's it. Sit back and enjoy your mp3's.

Pidgin on Ubuntu


Here's an excellent write-up on installing Pidgin from source package. Works like a charm!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Nice bit torrent client

Let me share my experiences about bit torrent clients in Ubuntu. I started out with the default bit torrent client available in Ubuntu. Though it was good at work but it's UI didn't provide much information. Then moved to my favorite on windos, Azureus! It's good and provides good UI features and control but the problem was it's memory gootprint, a whopping 40MB !!! Why should a bit torrent client require that much of memory? Maybe, because it's Java based :)

Anyways, now am using uTorrent . It's a windows based BT client but works well under Linux with wine. And it's memory footprint is just 7MB for the same download as Azureus. Guess, Azureus needs to be off from my system.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Mic problems in Ubuntu 7.04

I have been an Ubuntu user for more than an year now and feel very good having made the choice. Recently, I tried configuring Skype to chat with friends in US. After installing it on my Laptop, I tried the Skype test call. Boom! it failed ! Tried looking into some configurations but no use.

So, the immediate next step was to google for the solution. I hit upon this website. Updated the ALSA drivers as mentioned and then the following command:

sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart

Tried again the Skype test call and hurray!

Happily talking through Skype using Ubuntu.

UPDATE: On Ubuntu 8.04 just enabled the capture profile. Click volume button and Edit>Preferences>Capture. Push the capture option bar all the way to the top.
